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Building a Leadership Style that Embraces Rest and Abundance

As a working mom and leader, I once found myself overwhelmed, constantly trying to keep up with my life's demands. It felt like there was no space for rest, let alone abundance. But over time, I learned that leading from a place of rest was not just possible—it was necessary.

In my latest podcast episode, I share how I made tough decisions that allowed me to reclaim my time and step into God’s abundance. One of the hardest things I had to learn was the power of saying ‘no.’ It wasn’t easy, but it created space for what truly mattered.

I also introduced a system I use to evaluate every decision I make. I call it the Abundance Framework—a simple process of asking:

  • Does this align with my purpose?

  • Does it bring me peace?

  • Does it create space for God’s provision?

Living with intention and making healthy decisions has transformed my life, and I want the same for you. Listen to The EZ Breezy Life, and let’s create a life of rest and abundance together!


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